New Hyundai Verna in December 2024 is available in 9 variants with fuel option of , Diesel, Petrol. As per your requirement you can choose Hyundai Verna Car, Hyundai Verna Diesel Car, Hyundai Verna Petrol Car. Latest Models of Hyundai Verna are available in 6 color options which are Crystal White, Stone Black, Sleek Silver, Blushing Red, Deep Ocean Blue and Champangne Gold. In standard conditions Verna Petrol gives average mileage per liter is 13 KMs in city and 18 KMs on highways. The base model price of Hyundai Verna is Rs. 6,90,371/- and Verna car top model price is Rs. 9,68,499/-. Check on road price of New Verna car in your city. Price updated on 22nd December, 2024.